TheJamesRolls Wiki

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Super Mario Party for the Nintendo Switch is the seventh Side Play done by TheJamesRolls.

The series began on April 16th, 2020 and is currently ongoing. You can watch from the beginning by clicking here.


"It's time for everyone's favorite type of party once again, but this time in glorious HD!"


Board James' Character Computer Characters Winner Stars & Coins
Whomp's Domino Ruins Mario Daisy, Luigi and Peach Mario 8 stars, 44 coins
King Bob-omb's Powderkeg Mine Monty Mole Boo, Bowser Jr and Hammer Bro Monty Mole 6 stars, 39 coins
Megafruit Paradise Yoshi Koopa Troopa, Rosalina and Shy Guy Yoshi 5 stars, 93 coins
Kamek's Tantalizing Tower Wario Bowser, Hammer Bro and Waluigi Wario 12 stars, 77 coins


  • To be added